I Love to Love
People Who Inspire Me

Biet Simkin
The "David Bowie" of Meditation, I've felt Biet's deep presence and seen her meditation and storytelling transform individuals and crowds of thousands.

Flynn Skidmore
Does it deplete me or give me energy? Flynn brings clarity to complexity, his community is full of inspiring conversations, and he embodies the life he wants to share with all... one full of energy, joy and love.

Suzy Batiz
Founder of Poo-Pourri & ALIVE OS
I am inspired daily by her creativity, spirituality and joyful resilience.

Aubrey Marcus, Caitlyn Howe,
Kyle Kingsbury & Erick Godsey
The coaches of Fit for Service

Adrienne Jezick
Co-Founder of Morozko Forge

Amanda Malcolm
Host of "You're It, Girl" Podcast

Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"There somes a time in a woman's life where she must choose - she can be bitter, or she can be creative."
Her audiobooks on Audible are my fave.
Products I Adore

Pitango Rings
"It's not supposed to be comfortable. It is supposed to remind you."
Pitango's extraordinary jewely can be found in Venice, CA or online.

May Lindstrom Skin
Skincare is so often a balm for insecurity. May Lindstrom teaches self love through the ritual of caring for our body's largest organ with delicious, organic products. I need nothing else.

Zenthesia Sound Beds
The most sensitive and powerful sound bed experience of my life. A Zenesthesia journey is an instantanous portal to a new sense of well being.
My Favorite Courses, Retreats, & Programs

Fit for Service
The community that changed my life. I am forever grateful, forever changed. Fit for Service taught me that magic is real and that I am the writer of my story.

The 2-Hour Writer
One of the most practical, brass tacks classes I have ever taken. Worth more than my MBA for less than $200

Modern Elder Academy
A "bucket list" item for me... I haven't yet been able to attend but I've been a huge fan of Chip Conley for years and their programs bring incredible teachers to beautiful locations.